Pre & postnatal exercise

Healthy throughout pregnancy and beyond. 

Physical activity improves health outcomes for pre and postnatal women and their babies. 

Pre postnatal exercise certification course

Based on the recent Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy, the Fitness Alberta Pre Postnatal Exercise certification course includes exercise considerations, contraindications, and foundational information to safely include pregnant and postnatal women in your personal training or group exercise classes. The Pre & Postnatal course includes land and aquatic-based components to ensure all training modalities are covered.We offer this course in person, or online. 

This course is open to all interested fitness professionals. However:

  • It is not a stand-alone certification course.
  • To obtain Fitness Alberta certification in pre & postnatal fitness, you must have current Fitness Alberta® Personal Training, Group, Resistance,  or Aquatic Exercise certification.

Worth: 12 AFLCA CECs

Pre postnatal Exercise VIRTUAL course Nov 20 - 23, 2024




Fitness Alberta

The Pre & Postnatal Exercise certification course is based on recent research, and includes exercise considerations, contraindications, and other information to safely include pregnant and postnatal women in your personal training or group exercise classes. Member price: $295 (includes manual). This is an ONLINE live-stream session.

Register for the course

Register by November 15, 2024