Fitness Alberta Aquatic Exercise Leader Scope of Practice
The Fitness Alberta Aquatic Exercise Leader is certified to:
Design, modify and lead a safe aquatic exercise group by providing effective and appropriate exercises in order to meet stated class objectives and the needs of participants.
Integrate the principles of conditioning and principles of water for effective exercise design.
Lead exercise groups that are based on Fitness Alberta standards and FLC guidelines.
Incorporate the use of aquatic designed exercise equipment based on identified or implied needs of the participants.
Use the Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating, Par-Q+, and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2020 Global Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour.
- Lead participants who are apparently healthy or cleared for unrestricted physical activity as indicated by completion of an evidenced based pre-screening tool (i.e., PARQ+)
* A group is defined as a leader-facilitated exercise session
FLC - Fitness Leadership Canada
Par-Q+ - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire